Building Community, Lifestyle and Empowerment

Fatherland Community is employing its creativity, access to technology, and financial resources to create global economic opportunities for African and African descendants. Through Fatherland Community Hubs, we provide decent work and wealth creation, reduced inequalities, skills development, and sustainable cities and communities.

Employment, Skill Development, and Wealth Creation

Fatherland Community is about people. The community for the win — how collective solutions help individuals to succeed. 


The community is a catalyst and natural extension of the creative talents from Africa origin and beyond. We build an ecosystem for skills to learn, create, distribute, and monetize across different sectors, including entertainment, education, commerce, social, food, and others, with a state-of-the-art facility to succeed. 

Organizing Forums and Conversations

Fatherland Community Hubs organizes networking and share experiences through workshops, panel discussions, observations, coaching, symposiums, mentorships & more.

Strengthen Entrepreneurs

We serve as a startup accelerator, guiding entrepreneurs in comprehending, obtaining capital, networking, and exploring markets. 


We develop world-class creative cities and hubs where people can live, work, and play in an extraordinary cutting-edge innovative, ecological, and sustainable environment.

Our facilities include residential properties, schools, co-working spaces, studios, shops, restaurants, recreation, cultural parks, and more.

Advancing African Culture, Believe, and Traditions in Communities

The culture, faith, and traditional values strengthen and promote the well-being and resilience of people and communities. By advancing equitable opportunities for cultural participation and practice, we foster and sustain an environment in which the African culture benefits everyone in the United States and around the World. We support arts, crafts, media, design, and literary and artistic careers and education.

We Can’t Wait to Hear from You

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