
Ma Womi Roro


Ma Womi Roro composed by Orlando Owoh is a very exciting and lengthy album to listen to. He was firstly hired by Nigeria’s Kola Ogunmola Theatre Group to play drums and sing and thereafter, Orlando Owoh became a highlife musician and band leader.


Ma Womi Roro composed by Orlando Owoh is a very exciting and lengthy album to listen to.

He was firstly hired by Nigeria’s Kola Ogunmola Theatre Group to play drums and sing and thereafter, Orlando Owoh became a highlife musician and band leader.

Oriki Ojo is a Yoruba album released in 2011. There are a total of 2 songs in Oriki Ojo.

The song lasts for a total of thirty-nine minutes. You can put it on repeat and play all day long.

Because of the Yoruba intonation, the song sounds more melodious.


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